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Kukla’s Korner cut/pastes Eklund and it reminds me of Monty Python and leads to the development of Eklund’s Law

Here’s the Eklund tweet grabbed by KK:

It makes so much sense that a few people on here [sic] know more about the truth behind what I write than say the teams and NHL does [sic]. You would think if I was just making these rumours up the NHL and teams wouldn’t invite me into the press box. And yes, not only does bob mckenzie follow me, but he sent me his book and will be a guest on my podcast in the coming weeks.

-Dwayne (he prefers Eklund) to his readers.

via KuklasKorner : Hockey.

This is the relevant Python:

I admit the connection is very, um, right-brain. But it seems pretty clear to me that Eklund “has his own hat.” Because the math of what he just “wrote” reduces to:

False rumor + invitation to press box = true rumor.

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